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30 Jan, 2020 12:24

Russia's Ministry of Health names three drugs that can treat new Chinese coronavirus

Russia's Ministry of Health names three drugs that can treat new Chinese coronavirus

While experts across the world search for a vaccine to tackle the dangerous new infection, Russian health bosses have identified a trio of existing medicines to combat 2019-nCoV in adults.

The new coronavirus can be fought with ribavirin, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon beta-1b, they believe. These drugs are typically used to treat hepatitis C, HIV and multiple sclerosis respectively.

The Ministry of Health advisory not only offers recommendations, but also describes how the treatments work and in what quantities they should be prescribed. The guidelines are intended for doctors in hospitals throughout the country.

Also on rt.com Russia closes its Far East border with China in attempt to prevent spread of new coronavirus

One of the drugs recommended, ribavirin, was used in the treatment of the 2003 Chinese SARS outbreak, which infected over 8,000 people and killed 774 across 17 different countries. The new coronavirus has shown a sizeable genetic similarity with SARS, with one sequence comparison showing a match of 79.5%.

The ministry also instructs that, in order to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms, medication should be consumed within two days of contact with an infected person. Their prevention recommendations also include sanitary and hygiene rules, such as handwashing and wearing protective masks.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova explained that there is a considerable risk of the coronavirus entering Russia, despite the current number of confirmed cases remaining at zero.

According to the Chinese government's most recent data, there are currently 7711 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with at least one in every region of mainland China. So far, 170 people have died.

Also on rt.com Dozens of drugs available to treat ‘coronavirus,’ but global pandemic possible by March – Moscow experts

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