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10 May, 2019 07:07

The right-wing siege of peace activists in the Venezuelan Embassy

Ariel Gold of Code Pink is the guest on VIP this week. Activists with Code Pink, Popular Resistance, and ANSWER Coalition were given the keys to the Venezuelan Embassy as US-Venezuela relations deteriorated in the last month. They took the name 'The Embassy Protection Collective'. For two weeks they held the building for the legitimate Venezuelan government without much opposition, but then a horde of pro-coup Guaido supporters started to harass them night and day with the support of the Secret Service and the DC Metro Police. Gold has been assaulted physically and sexually by the violent counter-protesters. Lee and Gold discuss the situation in Venezuela, what's happening at the Venezuelan Embassy in DC, and how law enforcement agents have taken the side of the counter-protesters.

In the second half of VIP, Lee reports on the most anti-war candidate running for the DNC's presidential nomination. Tulsi Gabbard recently tweeted about the senseless death and violence that the US is causing in Afghanistan. In the tweet, she calls for US troops to come home. Gabbard has been courageous in her opposition to militarism. Lee also covers the story of two Reuters reporters who were jailed in Burma for exposing state corruption. The journalists were recently released, unlike another high-profile journalist who's currently being persecuted for revealing state corruption, Julian Assange.

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