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6 Feb, 2020 15:19

Trump slams Romney & Pelosi for faith-based hypocrisy during impeachment

Trump slams Romney & Pelosi for faith-based hypocrisy during impeachment

US President Donald Trump took a veiled swipe at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the sole Republican senator to vote for his removal, Mitt Romney, slamming those who use their faith to justify “doing what they know is wrong.”

Trump avoided calling the sanctimonious pair out by name during the annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, but everyone listening seemed to know which “very dishonest and corrupt people” he was referring to with his accusations of rank religious hypocrisy.

I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” the president said. “Nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that that’s not so.

They know what they are doing is wrong but they put themselves far ahead of our great country.

Romney made Democrats swoon, after the Senate voted to acquit Trump with a heavily religious-toned speech in which he equated voting to convict the president on the charge of ‘abuse of power’ to fulfilling his duties “before God,” though his own party was none too pleased with his decision. The Utah senator, a Mormon, has referenced his religion repeatedly in justifying his opposition to Trump. Pelosi has said she “prays for” Trump “all the time,” insisting – despite outward appearances and her speech-ripping antics earlier this week – that she “doesn’t hate anybody.

Also on rt.com Pelosi the paper (ripping) tiger: Pro-wrestling theatrics at SOTU fail to pull the wool in latest divide & conquer move

Pelosi, who was present at the prayer breakfast, did not interact with Trump, though she reportedly clapped when he was introduced.

Trump is due to make his official address in response to the previous day’s impeachment vote later on Thursday. The acquittal came as a surprise to few, given Republican control of the Senate, but the partisan rancor that spawned the inquiry in September is unlikely to dissipate anytime soon.

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